Power cable are a medium for transmitting electrical energy. An electrical cable consists of an insulator and a conductor.
The insulator here is the cable wrapping material which is usually made from thermoplastic or thermosetting material, while the conductor is made from copper or aluminum.
The carrying capacity of an electric cable is determined by its KHA (current carrying ability), because the electrical conduction parameters are determined in units of Amperes. The current carrying capacity is determined by the cross-sectional area of the conductors in the electrical cable, while provisions regarding the KHA of electrical cables are regulated in the SPLN specifications.
While electrical voltage is expressed in Volts, the amount of power received is expressed in Watts, which is the product of Ampere × Volt = Watt. At a voltage of 220 Volts and a KHA of 10 Amperes, an electrical cable can transmit 220V × 10A = 2200 Watts of power.
Electrical cables based on voltage consist of several categories, including:
- Low Voltage power cables.
- Kabel listrik Tegangan Menengah.
- High Voltage power cables.
Sumber : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabel_listrik